
The m-frame element is a 3D frame. It enables composing other MML documents into the document and transforming them as a unit.

  • The source URI of the MML document to be embedded within the current document.

  • The minimum X coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The maximum X coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The minimum Y coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The maximum Y coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The minimum Z coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The maximum Z coordinate of the frame's contents in meters. If not specified, the content is not constrained.

  • The distance in meters from the observer at which the frame will be loaded. If bounds are specified for the frame then the range is a box expanded by this value from the bounds. If no value is specified, the frame will be loaded regardless of distance.

  • The distance beyond the load-range that the frame stay loaded for if currently loaded. This prevents rapid changes between loading and unloading. Default value is 1 meter.

    • A boolean that indicates whether the element should be drawn with debug information (e.g. axes helper). Default value is false.

    • The position of the element along the X-axis in meters. Default value is 0.

    • The position of the element along the Y-axis in meters. Default value is 0.

    • The position of the element along the Z-axis in meters. Default value is 0.

    • The rotation of the element around the X-axis in degrees. Default value is 0.

    • The rotation of the element around the Y-axis in degrees. Default value is 0.

    • The rotation of the element around the Z-axis in degrees. Default value is 0.

    • The scale of the element along the X-axis. Default value is 1.

    • The scale of the element along the Y-axis. Default value is 1.

    • The scale of the element along the Z-axis. Default value is 1.

    • Whether the element is visible (true) or hidden (false) in the scene. Default value is true.

    • The name of a bone in the parent element's skeletal mesh to which this element will be attached. If not specified, the element will attach to the origin of its parent.

    • A unique identifier for the element, used for selection and manipulation through scripting. It must be unique within the document.

    • A space-separated list of class names that can be used for scripting purposes.

This example shows how m-frames can transform the document that they reference

This example shows how an m-frame can be configured to load and unload based on distance from the user/camera

This example shows how an m-frame's contents can be bounded to a specific volume
